Word for Today:  September 24


You know and I know Something is about to happen.

There are indications everywhere.  There is a witness in the heart of every turned-on believer.  You feel it.  God is moving.  The earth is responding.  The world is waiting.  There is a stirring in the church.  This is the hour.  Something is about to happen.

There is a drawing toward God.  The Holy Ghost is reaching into the hearts of men (all kinds of men) and drawing… attracting… pulling them toward God.  It is relentless.  It is miraculous.  There is resolve.  There is Hunger.  And this Hunger is indicative of the Divine Plan and Purpose of God in this hour.

You feel the drawing.  It (your relationship with Jesus) is not like it used to be.  It is changing.  There is a dissatisfaction that is driving you to seek His Face and to be conformed more and more into His Image.

The things of the world are becoming less and less important to you.   The reason for our existence is coming into focus.  Our reason for “being” is that in this time of His Visitation, we may Glorify God.

All things are coming together.  The signs are everywhere.  The world is waiting.  Nature is groaning.  Believers are expecting.    (Rom 8:19)


A contemporary Reformation is at hand

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