Word for Today:  February 1


That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word…  Eph 5:26

It is the Word that is the washing and cleansing agent for the Church.

And the Word also the way to get our minds renewed.  When we do, we think right.  Wrong thinking always gets us in trouble.  Carnal thinking or natural thinking leads to death.  Spiritual thinking leads to life and peace.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Ro 8:6

When we renew our mind with the Word, we are enabled to think right.

Right thinking is Word Thinking.

To be spiritually minded is to think in agreement with the Word of God.  When our thinking is influenced by the Word, the world and the world system think we are unbalanced.  And Unlearned.  Or out of touch with reality.  Living in fantasy.  Foolish.  Ignorant.  And in some cases crazy.

The Word is so far above the world in Truth that when we live our lives by the Word, the world just can’t understand us.


We really are Peculiar (I Pet 2:9)

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